Grey Fleet

From assisting with drafting a robust grey fleet policy that will benefit your organisation and drivers alike, to managing the grey fleet vehicles involved, engaging an experienced management broker like Vehicle Consulting has clear advantages.

Grey Fleet Management

From assisting with drafting a robust grey fleet policy that will benefit your organisation and drivers alike, to managing the grey fleet vehicles involved, engaging an experienced management broker like Vehicle Consulting has clear advantages.

We appreciate that many fleets, particularly SMEs, may not feel that now is the right time to embrace emerging solutions such as car-sharing clubs, electric or hybrid vehicles, multimodal mobility or indeed public transport that is being promoted to encourage grey fleet drivers out of their vehicles. A large proportion of UK organisations still rely on private vehicles driven for work purposes.

Helping your organisation with up to 250 vehicles comply with the latest road safety, employment, health and other laws, regulations and best practice advice. We work with a wide range of SMEs, larger businesses and other entities in:

  • Mileage management and capture, handled digitally and online, to reduce exaggerated claims and the associated unnecessary expenditure
  • Ensuring that grey fleet vehicles are serviced in accord with their manufacturers’ stipulations and are checked for safety by means of annual MoT tests and periodic inspections
  • Maintaining a central database containing driver incident records, driving licence copies, eye tests, parking fines, motoring convictions and any other relevant data legally storable in compliance with GDPR
  • Producing grey fleet driver on-boarding and training documentation including handbooks
  • Ensuring that grey fleet drivers are suitably insured for business use, limiting vicarious responsibility claims coming back on an organisation if an at-work driver was found to be at fault
  • Introducing telematics solutions to identify at-risk drivers in real-time and offering subsequent remedial training to keep them and others safer behind the wheel
  • Identifying whether certain grey fleet drivers and perhaps indeed their employers would financially benefit from contract hire or other forms of access to vehicles, based on their typical travel habits and requirements.

Vehicle Consulting welcomes contact from organisations understanding the benefits of a free grey fleet audit with the intention of introducing grey fleet management to stay current when it comes to best practice, health and safety and all other aspects involved.

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